9-day Update: Food, Pain Meds, Diabetes Meds

I’m continuing pureed foods, what Dani calls my “goop”. I’ve added small amounts of cottage cheese (pureeing that too), and I seem to be tolerating that well. Will slowly add in some other foods over the next few days.

The best news is that I’m off pretty much all pain meds. Even those I was taking before surgery! I still have back pain, but the pain level is about what it was before the surgery, but without meds! I’ve lost about 10 lbs since surgery, but I’m having a hard time believing that just that amount of weight loss can make so much of a difference. So I’m not sure what’s going on, but I’m not complaining.

No major changes in terms of diabetes meds. I’m having to take 500 mg of Metformin just about every day, and still take Lantus some days.

I have my post-op appointment with Dr. Foster on Tuesday; will let you know how that goes.


One of the ways I knew I could be successful at this journey is that I was told that for a while after surgery (from 6 months to forever), hunger would be lessened, and might be non-existent. I’ve had some pains that I was attributing to surgery, but I think they’re hunger, since they go away when I eat. Trying to remain calm and waiting to see how my stomach heals before freaking out completely.

4-day Update

I am 4 days post-op and doing great! I’m not on any pain meds. My biggest complaint is a nagging feeling of heartburn in my newly reshaped stomach. I talked to the doctor about this a couple of days ago and she wasn’t concerned, that it’s probably just the healing phase. I’m eating the allowed foods, and getting in my required amounts of hydration (64-90 oz) and even doing well on protein (around 70g). I have a decent energy level, and feel like I’ve pretty much recovered from the anesthesia.