Creeping Along

After essentially being stalled, I’ve now lost 4 pounds in the last month. Slowly…

I am encouraged because there is a woman in my bariatric support group who has lost all the way to her goal weight 3 years ago, but said that 10 months in she stalled for 5 months, then lost 50 pounds more. Maybe that will happen to me.

Check out the timeline

Dog Walking

So I just got a new dog, Esther, a stray who showed up on my son’s doorstep and whom I’ve now adopted. I had decided I would be ready for a dog when my kitchen remodel was done, and when I could walk to the local park with the dog. Just days after both of these were true, the dog showed up. Can you say “fate”?

Every day I walk this dog. Sometimes just around the yard, sometimes out in the neighborhood. At some point my back/hips start hurting. But at the beginning they don’t, and none of it is excruciating like it used to be.

A miracle.

A bit about clothes

I went to a weekend retreat at the end of March, and to an event at a leather bar on April 2. I knew I would need some clothes, so I had one skirt altered to fit me. I measured, and ended up having the seamstress take off … 24 inches!! Really. Granted, the elastic on the skirt was pretty stretched out, but incredibly, it now fits well. I’m sure I haven’t lost 24 inches, but wow!

Here I am…