
It’s very common during this journey to have “stalls”: times when you’re doing the same thing but weight loss just stops for a while. I’ve heard of these and have been prepared, but it looks like I’m in one right now, which is common at the 3-4 week mark after surgery. I haven’t lost any weight in 5 days. I only weigh myself a couple of times a week so I don’t obsess on it, so it’s disheartening when there’s no movement on the scale. trying to stay focused and positive.

Restaurant Food

On Tuesday we ordered in Chinese food. I was able to eat egg drop soup (which also had mushrooms, carrots, and peas), some of the chicken from the chow mein (but not the noodles) and some of the moo-shu chicken (with sauce, without the pancake).

On Wednesday we went to Celia’s for Mexican food for Simcha’s birthday. I had refried beans, guacamole, sour cream, and pork carnitas. In very small quantities, of course (have a lot of leftovers!), and chewed the pork very thoroughly. I had a little bit of heartburn, but it was temporary.

Oh, and I had a VERY tiny taste of ice cream and whipped cream. Like 1/4 of a teaspoon. Just enough to get the flavor. That was nice.

So excited to be able to find things I can eat in a restaurant! The hardest part was not having any chips. Some day I’ll be able to have some, but only a little, or I won’t have room for the important nutritious food.